
Leuphana University of Lüneburg


Leuphana University of Lüneburg is widely recognized as a particularly innovative institution within Germany’s higher education landscape. Its Faculty of Sustainability is one of four faculties at the University, and it is unique in Germany as it is firmly organized around a societal goal (sustainability) rather than traditional disciplines. At present, the Faculty brings together approximately 25 professors, 33 other staff holding PhDs, and approximately 120 PhD students. Transdisciplinarity is an organizing principle within the Faculty. The achievements of Leuphana University in the area of sustainability have been internationally acknowledged. For example, Leuphana University collaborates on sustainability science with leading institutions including Arizona State University, Lund University, the Stockholm Resilience Centre, and ETH Zürich. Nationally, Leuphana University has won a range of awards, including the first ZEIT WISSEN-Preis “Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit” (courage for sustainability) in 2013.
